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Title The expected conclusion date of patent tribunals will be notified
Writer Admin Date 2006-05-18 Hits 1839
- The notification of expected tribunal conclusion dates are expanded to all inter partes cases -

According to Korean Industrial Property Tribunal (President KIM, Ki Hyo), claimants for all inter partes cases will be notified when the tribunal will conclude their case.

Notice of the expected tribunal conclusion date is a process designed to inform all related people so that they can present written opinions swiftly. Until this change, notification was only made for cases exceeding 6 months from the date of tribunal application.

For cases not exceeding 6 months from the date of application, there is a possibility that related people would not have sufficient opportunity to present their opinions. The problem is anticipated to become more serious as most of the inter partes cases are expected to be concluded within 6 months at the end of 2006.

In order to resolve the problem, the Korean Industrial Property Tribunal (KIPT) will start in May 2006 to report the expected tribunal conclusion date for all inter partes cases. The expected tribunal conclusion date will also be included for expedited tribunal decisions so that related people will know the schedule of their cases.

With notice of the expected tribunal conclusion date for all inter partes cases, related people can easily predict when their cases are going to be closed and have more opportunities to present their opinions in time.
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